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Marblehead Family Law Blog

Tips for effective communication for co-parents

Posted by Donna L. Martin | Mar 17, 2024 | 0 Comments

Going through a divorce from your child's other parent almost certainly won't end your communication with that ex. Instead, you'll likely have to continue to discuss things related to your children. While this might not be something you look forward to, it's necessary so that you can better give ...

Why a sleep divorce might lead to an actual divorce

Posted by Donna L. Martin | Mar 08, 2024 | 0 Comments

The idea of a sleep divorce has started to gain mainstream traction. People claim that those who decide to undergo a sleep divorce could avoid actually ending their marriages. Even some celebrities have begun to endorse the idea of sleep divorce. A sleep divorce involves spouses agreeing to maint...

3 considerations for bird’s nest parenting

Posted by Donna L. Martin | Dec 15, 2023 | 0 Comments

Bird's nest parenting, an innovative approach to co-parenting after a divorce or separation, focuses on providing the children stability by allowing them to remain in the family home. At the same time, the parents rotate in and out.  This arrangement can minimize the disruption and emotional stre...

How are military divorces different from regular ones?

Posted by Donna L. Martin | Oct 12, 2023 | 0 Comments

Pursuing a career in the military often means accepting a different lifestyle than what civilians enjoy. Military servicemembers sacrifice personal freedom to help defend the freedom of others. They put themselves in a position where there can be a lot of strain on their relationship with their s...

How is child support calculated in Massachusetts?

Posted by Donna L. Martin | Sep 07, 2023 | 0 Comments

Navigating child support issues can be a challenging experience for families. Child support helps to ensure that parents contribute to their child's financial well-being in Massachusetts. Understanding how child support amounts are set can provide both parents with realistic expectations. Child s...

4 types of custody considerations in Massachusetts

Posted by Donna L. Martin | Jun 03, 2023 | 0 Comments

Parents typically share responsibility for their children. Some expectant parents negotiate detailed arrangements with each other when they find out they will soon have a baby, and many others fall into a natural routine that involves shared responsibility for their children. However, not all Mas...

Why becoming empty nesters can lead to divorce

Posted by Donna L. Martin | Apr 06, 2023 | 0 Comments

Many parents dread becoming empty-nesters because they don't want their children to leave home. They love the life and chaos that children bring, and they know they'll miss it. On the other hand, there are those who look forward to becoming empty-nesters. They see it as a time to refocus on thems...

5 myths on estate planning

Posted by Donna L. Martin | Jan 16, 2023 | 0 Comments

It's often important for people to plan their estate to ensure their assets are properly distributed to beneficiaries. However, many people don't plan their estate because of common misconceptions. To circumvent problems for your family and loved ones, it may be in your best interest to learn how...

3 estate planning points new parents should consider

Posted by Donna L. Martin | Dec 17, 2022 | 0 Comments

Parents of minors have a lot to think about, but many neglect to consider what will happen if both parents pass away. While this isn't easy to think about, it's something that's necessary so you can make plans. Young parents must take the time to create an estate plan. This provides the informati...

How does alimony work in Massachusetts?

Posted by Donna L. Martin | Nov 10, 2022 | 0 Comments

Your marriage is failing, and you're concerned about how you're going to support yourself. It's been a little bit since you were in the workforce, and you aren't sure what it will take to get on your feet once you're on your own. Is alimony an option? It could be. Understanding more about how ali...

Do you need to make a pet custody plan?

Posted by Donna L. Martin | Oct 11, 2022 | 0 Comments

When couples get divorced, they know that they have to divide up custody of their children, at least in most cases. The general rule is that courts try to assign joint or shared custody so that both parents get to remain involved with the children. The parents create a schedule showing what they ...

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