The timing of a Massachusetts divorce can have a profound impact on not just the spouses involved but the rest of the family as well. Many people trapped in unhappy marriages may tell themselves that they only need to hold on until the children are out of the house.
Waiting until the children leave for college means that there won't be any custody negotiations or child support battles. However, it could also present a different set of issues. If the children in your family are away at college when you divorce, the end of your marriage could create complications for their education.
1. The expense of divorce could affect their support
Parents often do their best to contribute as much as possible toward a college education and cost-of-living expenses as young adults start to establish independence. Unfortunately, divorce is a very expensive process that could leave both parents struggling financially and unable to continue contributing as much as they want toward the children.
Both of their incomes may still influence financial aid decisions even though there are now two households to support with that same amount of money. The good news is that parents can agree to split college costs as part of their divorce negotiations. In fact, the Massachusetts family courts can even order child support for someone over the age of 18 but under the age of 23 who attends college and is technically still a dependent.
2. The stress of divorce could affect their education
Teachers at elementary, middle and high schools tend to be more supportive of students than college and university professors. When you tell a sixth-grade teacher about your divorce, you can count on them to be more supportive and compassionate towards your child.
Professors at college are less likely to give students the benefit of the doubt or any leniency when it comes to poor performance on tests or missed classes. The depression and emotional challenges frequently associated with parental divorce could affect your college student's grades or even lead to them dropping out of school entirely.
Offering financial and emotional support to college-age students will be crucial if parents want to prevent the end of their marriage from derailing the dreams of their children. Those who are concerned about these issues can benefit from seeking professional legal feedback about their circumstances.
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